Published onMarch 4, 2025Designing Organizations for an Information-Rich World (OCR version)attention-economyHerbert A. Simon explores how organizations should be designed in a world where information is abundant but attention is scarce.Read more →
Published onFebruary 27, 20252025 我們能看到 AI 語音大爆發嗎?AIVoice-AI在參加完 OpenAI 的 Realtime黑客松和AI Engineer Summit還讀了Pipecat的語音AI primer後,對語音AI有蠻多想法,記錄一下...Read more →
Published onFebruary 27, 2025Notes from Pipecat’s "Voice AI & Voice Agents - An Illustrated Primer"AIVoice-AIMy notes from reading the Pipecat team’s early access preview on Voice AI and Voice Agents, covering core technologies, best practices, and future developments in conversational AI.Read more →
Published onFebruary 17, 2025AI 語音應用的挑戰與機會 - OpenAI Realtime + Reasoning Hackathon 心得AIHackathon參加 OpenAI 的 Realtime + Reasoning 黑客松後,整理對 AI 語音應用的觀察與思考,從技術挑戰到潛在應用場景,探索語音助理未來可能的發展方向。Read more →
Published onNovember 6, 2023What Exactly is GIX? Reflections Three Years After Graduationstudy-abroadWhat Exactly is GIX? Reflections Three Years After GraduationRead more →